About the S.R.C


To provide a conducive environment for learners to have their studies, devoid of any discrimination, and for them to be treated and accepted as a family to improve their academic and social life.

Today, the S.R.C has grown to embrace a lot more responsibilities and they are considered development partners, in addition to the earlier mandate of representing the interests of the students. The S.R.C of 2nd Image International skills College concerns itself with all aspects of students’ welfare within the College. In addition to that, it coordinates the activities of academic, cultural, religious, political, and recreational activities for society and nation-building. It also links students with external organizations to assist students in their internship period

Immediately an individual becomes a registered student of 2nd Image, that person automatically becomes a member of the S.R.C. Therefore, all students are eligible and encouraged to participate in one or more of the various programs and events. Some of these events include Miss Akwaaba where new students are welcomed to the college through fun activities including the S.R.C Week celebration.

Aims and objectives

  1. The interests and welfare of the student body in general and the College, in particular, are first on the priority list of the S.R.C. They serve as the mouthpiece of the entire student body of the College. The S.R.C communicates the interest of the students to the College authorities.
  2. The S.R.C also fosters good relations between students of the College and the outside world by coordinating with other student organizations in Ghana and elsewhere in a matter of mutual interest.

Executives of Accra Branch

Executives of Kumasi Branch